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Brilliant Brigstock Update

Writer: Jordan's WeeonesJordan's Weeones

Brigstock village have really taken us into their hearts over the past year and have helped to raise a fantastic amount of money. It all started due to a surplus of tomatoes which Jane Steward had grown to sell at car boot sales which were of course then cancelled due to Covid lockdowns.

From there, Jane started to grow more plants, both flowers and vegetables, to sell at her gate. People soon started donating spare plants and garden related items too which led to a bric a brac stall. Perhaps this stall should have be called a 'Bring and Buy' because not long after its inception, Brigstockers were donating all sorts of items to be put out. There was now a book and jigsaw stall along with a children's table which both appeared to be popular stop offs. When lockdown originally lifted and things started to open up again, Jane attended some car boot sales again with Sue and Avril. Sue and Avril had some good days although one ended up with them going into Northampton and picking up two carloads of items a lady kindly offered them. They went home with more than they took!

Later on Jane's neighbour who grows beautiful Dahlias put bunches of flowers out for sale, passing on all proceeds to Jane for us. Compost sales were brisk with all profit also heading our way.

The plans for an Autumn fair and a Jordan's Weeones meet and greet in the village had to be cancelled, again due to Covid, so a Christmas Fair was planned instead. The bric a brac table got put away but the book and toy stalls moved into greenhouses, both still proving to be popular stop offs on peoples daily walks.

For the Christmas Fair, Lesley French and Jane joined forces to raise money for Cransley Hospice as well as Jordans Weeones. There were bookings for several outside craft tables as well as Lesley’s fabulous cakes. Sue was also going with her Jordan's Weeones crafts and there was to be a raffle and auction with some fabulous prizes being donated. However, a new lockdown scuppered those plans so, not to be defeated, Jane and co decided they would have stalls in a neighbours paddock and Lesley would sell items from outside her house. Lesley mobilised her lovely volunteers to help sell raffle tickets, Sue delivered loads of lovely goodies for Jane to sell at the Fair just before lockdown started. Other stalls were unfortunately unable to come but both Jane and Lesley still had lots of success with the auction raising £200 and the raffle over £800!

The greenhouse books were then replaced with Christmas goods until the end of December and then continued into the new year, providing books, puzzles and dvds. The total raised was far beyond anything expected, hoping to raise £1000, that figure was surpassed as was £3000 and £5000.

The final total for the year was £7081.25!

Thank you everyone that helped make this possible, it really is most appreciated. Thank you for your continued support!



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